mercredi 27 avril 2022

UBER DRUG - English Version - Part 5

Translation made with the free version of the translator  

- Version Française -
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This story is a fiction

Any resemblance to real or existing people

or situations that have existed or are real

would be pure coïncidence


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Part 5: ARRESTS 

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Summary of the previous part: After a 15 day investigation, German authorities have uncovered a heroin distribution network in seven major German cities through garbage collectors who take advantage of their rounds to stick a dose of heroin under the lid of the garbage cans after having collected money from their customers...

The distributed doses are hidden in the stock of tires of the communal deposits...

The German authorities, surprised by this practice, discovered that it is a tire company that delivers to the 7 municipal services and that it has only them as clients...

The police are therefore preparing to arrest simultaneously, in these seven large German cities, 812 suspects spread over 40 communal depots to prevent them from destroying the evidence of their traffic.

Jimini HOLMES, who helped to discover this distribution methodology, is going to attend the arrests of the BERLIN cell...







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