mercredi 31 mai 2023

Season 5 - Episode 9 - Part 1 - English Version

- English Version -

- This web series is a fiction -
Any resemblance to real or existing persons
or situations that have existed or are real
would be purely coincidental.

- Version Française -
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Season 5 - Episode 9 - Part 2 - English Version


- English Version -

- This web series is a fiction -
Any resemblance to real or existing persons
or situations that have existed or are real
would be purely coincidental.

- Version Française -
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>>> Link to the First part of this episode by clicking Here <<<

Part 2: THE GANG
Summary of the previous part: Jimini HOLMES and Inspector TENROC attend the wedding of Ciiindy WATSON and Manucar MOBILI.

On their way out of the church, they are called to the scene when a stolen truck collides with another truck whose merchandise has spilled onto the road. The merchandise in question is unusual: assault rifles...