mercredi 31 mai 2023

Season 5 - Episode 9 - Part 3 - English Version

- English Version -

- This web series is a fiction -
Any resemblance to real or existing persons
or situations that have existed or are real
would be purely coincidental.

- Version Française -
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Part 3: THE  FAVOR
Summary of the previous part: Colonel ENZO of SIL, the Homeland Security Service of LISTENBURG, informs Jimini HOLMES and Inspector TENROC that this truck was being followed by his services in order to discover its sponsor.

They know that it was the RABBIT ANGELS gang who were in charge of the transport, but now the SIL investigation is at a standstill...

Jimini HOLMES proposes a solution to get it back on track...

Shortly afterwards, a man turns up in the gang to meet NORTON, the head of the RABBIT ANGELS. He offers his services: he works at SIL and proposes to be his informant, as he has gambling debts and knows that this may be of interest to NORTON...

NORTON tells him to come back in two days... 






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