mercredi 31 mai 2023

Season 5 - Episode 8 - Part 4 - English Version

- English Version -

- This web series is a fiction -
Any resemblance to real or existing persons
or situations that have existed or are real
would be purely coincidental.

- Version Française -
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>>> Link to the First part of this episode by clicking Here <<<


Summary of the previous part: Inspector TENROC has taken Jimini HOLMES with him because he's on the trail of MORIARTY: a tipster has informed him that MORIARTY could be in a junkyard on the outskirts of LOULAND...

A discreet set-up is made, and indeed, several cars enter this junkyard...

They recognize MORIARTY, who has dyed his hair blond...

The police immediately raid the junkyard, but MORIARTY manages to escape at the wheel of a police patrol car...


















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