jeudi 1 juin 2023

Season 6 - Episode 2 - Part 3 - English Version

- English Version -

- This web series is a fiction -
Any resemblance to real or existing persons
or situations that have existed or are real
would be purely coincidental.

- Version Française -
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Part 3: BERLIN
Summary of the previous part: Jimini HOLMES and Inspector TENROC continue their investigation and meet with an agency in BRUSSELS, which may be able to give them the names of other engineers who built the listenburger Swordfish...

They are advised to visit a certain Emma SCHROEDER in BERLIN.

At the same time, they learn that the first two engineers who died shortly before they met them did not die accidentally, but were murdered...

Jimini HOLMES decides to go directly to BERLIN, and Inspector TENROC calls the German authorities to put Emma SCHROEDER under police protection...




















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